Don’t ‘Diet’

Don’t “Diet”—Make it a lifestyle change.
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A Million Excuses

We all have a million excuses for not exercising. Hectic schedules, poor body image, exhaustion, time, rain, snow, body aching, don’t feel like it; the list goes on and on. The fact remains that if you don’t exercise which is a key component,  you’re not going to have a healthy body. You won’t burn enough calories, your metabolism will get out of whack, and your muscles will weaken as you age.  All of these things add up to an increased likelihood of serious illness.  And if you don’t exercise, your children probably won’t exercise or aren’t active either. At a minimum, you need to engage in medium-to-high- intensity exercise for at least 5 days per week for 30 to 60 minutes per day. Yes, this is a commitment, but this is your LIFE. It’s well worth it…Think of this: one powered covered doughnut contains roughly 250 calories;  it will take about 1 1/2 hours of walking, 40 minutes of tennis, or 25 minutes of brisk jogging to work off those 250 calories. Now, do you see how important exercise is and why it is so hard to lose weight? Get Moving…
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12 Ways to Get Physical

We live in a Sedentary society. We as a society need to be MORE active/physical. Here are 12 ways to get active. I will list more ways on another post. 12 ways to get physical: 1. Walk around the block. 2. Race up and down the stairs. 3. Turn the radio on and have a dance party by yourself. 4. Jump rope for 15 minutes. If you need to take short breaks between that’s fine. 5. Have a jump rope contest with your kids. See who can jump rope the longest without tripping on the rope- do this in 1 minute intervals. They will get a kick out of this exercise. They will enjoy beating you in this challenge. 6. Jump rope backward. Count to 100 jumping backward. Do 3 sets of counting to 100. 7. Make an obstacle course out of lawn furniture. 8. Walk your dog or pet. When we had a rabbit, my son use to walk the rabbit in the neighborhood. No joke, he really did. 9. Play hide-and-go-seek with the kids outside. Run all around the neighborhood. 10. Jump rope for 1 minute then rest 10 seconds then do jumping jacks for 1 minute straight, rest 10 seconds and then start all over again. Do this for about 10 minutes. You Will feel the burn on this activity/exercise. 11. Set up cones or exercise ladders in your driveway as a slalom course and race your kids or spouse or just time yourself. 12. Take up swimming. Great whole body workout. Get a swim pass at your local YMCA or recreation center. Swimming is fun for the whole family or individually. SO GET MOVING…NO MORE EXCUSES!!!  
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Eat Variety

When eating vegetables incorporate the different color veggies for the proper nutrients your body needs to survive. Later in life your body will thank you for eating all the colorful and different types of veggies. Variety  is key!!!
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Fruit for Dessert

Have some fresh fruit for dessert. As you know fruits are naturally sweet. They will make an excellent healthy dessert, very filling, but not a lot of unwanted calories. So substitute lunchbox cookies or chips with an orange or pieces of cantaloupe, or whichever fruit you like or have a colorful fruit salad for dessert or dinner.
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Win in Life

Be a winner!!! Win in your life…Win in all your goals you set…
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Avoid Fried Foods

For today, avoid ALL fried foods and any foods with a LONG food label…
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Do Not Skip Breakfast

When you wake up, your body is empty and your blood sugar is at its lowest of the day. You need breakfast to get your body going. It raises your blood sugar and raises up your metabolism when you eat breakfast. People who eat breakfast on a regular basis tend to weigh less than those who skip breakfast. Don’t skip your breakfast. It’s beneficial to your body, your life.
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Heart Beats 100,000 Times

Did you know that your heart beats roughly 100,000 times per day. Your heart is about the size of your fist, but very powerful. You only get one. Take care of it.
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Take Care of Yourself

Eat for survival. Eat healthy for a healthy long life. Take care of yourself first…Then take care others…
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Vitamin E

Vitamin E: a good source for your skin, powerful antioxidant, and good for fighting toxins. Foods that give you Vitamin E: 1. Almonds, Hazelnuts, Pistachio nuts 2. Wheat germ 3. Peanuts or peanut butter 4. Sunflower seeds 5. Soybeans 6. Turnip greens 7. Mango, Kiwi 8. Spinach, Broccoli 9. Tomatoes 10. Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil
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5 Reasons Why You Should Walk

5 Reasons why you should become a regular walker? 1. It lowers blood pressure. 2. Helps you sleep better. 3. Helps your body feel better. 4. Gives you more energy. 5. Lowers your risk with certain diseases.
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When you have setbacks weather it’s in reaching your health goals on the Slimdown for Health Challenge or just in life–stop– rethink your goals & start again… Keep moving–Don’t give up–Be a winner with your life and in your health…
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Walk 20 Minutes a Day

Start walking for fitness/health, begin with a 20 minute walk every day. If that’s too much, start smaller like 10 minutes. Set a goal of building to 30 minutes every day. A 12-week study of significantly overweight women, those who walked for 30 minutes, 5 days a week, lost weight at a rate similar to women who walked twice as long, 5 days a wk. Once you’ve built up strength & stamina, increase your pace & lengthen your walks to 60 minutes for even greater cardiovascular/overall health benefits.
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Walking Beneficial

It was reported in the British Medical Journal that for every hour a person walks, you add an hour to your life. But walking not only helps you live longer, it also helps you live better and feel good. It refreshes you. It’s good for your bones and your brain, and it reduces your risk of heart attack and stroke. It burns calories as well. So start walking…It’s beneficial to your life…
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Stop Worrying

Worrying robs you of your sleep, health, and many good years of your life!!! Stop Worrying…
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Pair of Sneakers

Keep a pair of sneakers in your car or at the office, so you won’t have any excuses about exercising. Regular exercise will improve your overall mood and health for the better. If you’re feeling sad or anxious, try exercising, like take a walk, climb a set of stairs, run in place, do a set of jumping jacks, jump rope for a minute, get on the treadmill, or do any type of physical activity. This will help release tension/stress and burn some calories.
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Boost Your Metabolism

Ways to Boost Your Metabolism 1. Drink your proper amount of WATER, WATER, WATER. 2. Eat your daily fruits & veggies. 3. Get your FIBER, FIBER, FIBER in. 4. Exercise
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Slimdown Your Daily Coffee

Removing just two teaspoons of sugar from your daily cup of coffee may not seem like a big deal, but it can save you 32 extra calories a day or three extra pounds a year. If you make two trips a day, consider this: Skipping that afternoon latte could save you an extra 54,750 calories (more than 15 pounds!) — and almost a thousand bucks — by the end of the year. By iVillage Health
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Go For a Walk

Walking is a great exercise for weight loss, but it seems to be more effective when done right after eating. A 2011 Japanese study found that walking immediately after a meal was more effective for weight loss than waiting up to an hour afterwards. Subjects who went for a brisk, 30-minute walk right after lunch and dinner lost more weight than those who waited to walk. And because walking is a low impact form of exercise, it shouldn’t cause any digestive issues. By iVillage Health
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Don’t Skip Breakfast

Make sure you do not skip breakfast. It is crucial to have breakfast. It gives you the right fuel for the day and helps you control hunger…Start your day off right with breakfast.
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Magic Formula

The magic formula for losing weight is to increase cardio activity, reduce your calorie intake from all junk, drinking your water, and by eating super clean foods…
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To the contestants this is your 2nd week on the challenge. Keep focus, keep moving ahead. Remember, to eat Healthy, no bread, no cheese, no junk food of any kind. You want to eat a clean diet. Make sure your getting your exercise in at least 5 days out of the week. Get your correct amount of WATER in each day, and lastly get your proper amount of sleep in each night. You need rest to re-energize your body. I am very proud of each of you. Keep the good work going. This is a lifestyle change…
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Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise is one of the keys to better heart health.
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Colorful Veggies

Choose bright colors and dark green veggies to give you the most vitamins & minerals your body need to live… 🙂
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Amazing Health

Amazing things happens when you believe in your life…Believe in having amazing health…Now that you believe… work towards achieving better health…
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Contestants on the Health Challenge

To ALL the people who signed up for the 1st round of the Slimdown for Health Challenge on March 24th–Congratulations on completing one week of the challenge–Way to go– Eleven more toooooo go. Don’t give up!!!  I’m here, if you have any questions…Keep moving forward!!! You CAN complete the Challenge which will change your life for the better…    
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7 Tips to Good Nutrition

‎7 Tips to Good Nutrition 1. Change your eating habits. 2. Eat plenty of fruits & veggies. 3. Avoid trans fats & saturated fats. 4. Eat beans, nuts, fish, or lean poultry instead of red meat. 5. Stick to reduced fat or fat free dairy products. 6. Choose whole grains. 7. If you have to eat sugary, salty, or high fat snacks, only eat them in moderation. By Kaiser Permanente
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Health Tip

Let’s Do This!!! Let’s get our bodies in shape and healthy…
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