
Your Tongue Tells A Story

What does your tongue say about your health.  The colour, moisture, and texture of your tongue can tell you what's going on in your body.

1. A healthy tongue should be light pink to pinkish in color & moist.

2. A dark red shade: Indicates inflammation.

3. A brownish or black discoloration of the tongue can be caused due of excess consumption of tobacco.

4. A strawberry pink tongue could indicate the onset of scarlet fever(Strep Throat),  Kawasaki disease, vitamin deficiency, or it could have turned that color from something you ate or drunk.

5. A thick white coating could be due to the over-secretion of bile in the liver and gall bladder.

6. When the tongue turns blue or purple, it's time to seek urgent medical help. It could mean high cholesterol or chronic bronchitis.

7. White patches can indicate a fungal infection.
Patches or spots means the person could be prone to allergies.

8. Lack of normal texture called as bald tongue can occur due to deficiency of Vitamin B complex or Iron.

9. A dry tongue is a sign of stress, since the salivary glands are not functioning at optimum level.

So be aware of what your tongue is trying to tell you ! If you have a concern, contact your Doctor.