12 Ways to Get Physical

We live in a Sedentary society. We as a society need to be MORE active/physical. Here are 12 ways to get active. I will list more ways on another post.

12 ways to get physical:

1. Walk around the block.

2. Race up and down the stairs.

3. Turn the radio on and have a dance party by yourself.

4. Jump rope for 15 minutes. If you need to take short breaks between that's fine.

5. Have a jump rope contest with your kids. See who can jump rope the longest without tripping on the rope- do this in 1 minute intervals. They will get a kick out of this exercise. They will enjoy beating you in this challenge.

6. Jump rope backward. Count to 100 jumping backward. Do 3 sets of counting to 100.

7. Make an obstacle course out of lawn furniture.

8. Walk your dog or pet. When we had a rabbit, my son use to walk the rabbit in the neighborhood. No joke, he really did.

9. Play hide-and-go-seek with the kids outside. Run all around the neighborhood.

10. Jump rope for 1 minute then rest 10 seconds then do jumping jacks for 1 minute straight, rest 10 seconds and then start all over again. Do this for about 10 minutes. You Will feel the burn on this activity/exercise.

11. Set up cones or exercise ladders in your driveway as a slalom course and race your kids or spouse or just time yourself.

12. Take up swimming. Great whole body workout. Get a swim pass at your local YMCA or recreation center. Swimming is fun for the whole family or individually.