
Breakfast For 5 Days

Breakfast Day One:

2 slices of whole grain toast.  You can spread on top of the toast either peanut butter, almond butter, or all natural strawberry or grape fruit jelly.

A fruit of your choice.

4 oz organic Greek yogurt.


Breakfast Day Two:

A bowl of fiber rich whole grain cereal like Total,  Kashi, or your choice of a whole grain cereal you like.

You can put bananas and strawberries sliced up in your cereal or eat the fruit separate.

You can use a cup of whole milk, but for better results either use soy, almond, skim, or rice milk.


Breakfast Day Three:

A bowl of Oatmeal.

Fruit of your choice.

Choice of an 8 oz glass of orange or apple juice.


Breakfast Day Four:

Fruit plate with sliced cantaloupe, sliced watermelon, sliced strawberries, grapes, and blueberries or pick the different fruits you like.

One low fat yogurt or a organic Greek yogurt.


Breakfast Day Five:

Make a veggie omelet. Cook the veggies you like with the omelet, like broccoli, onions, peppers, mushrooms, etc.

One orange or fruit of your choice.

Glass of 8 oz of water.